Tayside Branch


Sandra Parkins
Email: tayside@youngheart.info

Tayside - not only is it the centre of Scotland, but it has also over the years proved to be a central point for the Association's activities.

Pitlochry hosts the Family Weekends in May each year and on many occasions the Teenagers Weekends. These take place at the very friendly Atholl Centre, based just off the high street in Pitlochry. Two miles north of Pitlochry, at Faskally Caravan Park, we have a static six-berth caravan for members to take a holiday or much needed respite. Further details are available from your local branch and on the website under holiday breaks.

Support for the Association's young heart people in Tayside is very heart warming. Over the years there have been many businesses and individuals giving time and finance to many projects. It is difficult to mention everyone, except perhaps our Honorary Member Mr Neil Sinclair of St. Martins, Perth. We have various fund-raising events (including the odd ceilidh!) throughout the year, and especially around Christmas time.

At present, we do not hold meetings within Tayside. However, hopefully this may be possible again with new members joining. Members are kept informed via the Newsletter and they are free to join any of the other branches for their talks or activities. Please contact me if you wish your name to be added to the Tayside membership or indeed if any further information is required.

Thank you to our Honorary Member Neil Sinclair and his wife Elizabeth for their most generous support.  Over many years Neil has contributed to our funds by cycling Lands End to John o' Groats plus the proceeds of  the sale from two cars and a lawn mower.
